Tuesday 1 March 2016

Your Opinion: Survey

Hi Everyone,

We want to find out who it is that is reading our blog and who is borrowing books from the library.  That’s why we have decided to put together a survey to learn more about you all.  It’s really easy to do, swing by the library to get a survey, fill it in with your favourite book, author and language to read in and simply return it to the library when you’ve finished.  You can add your name if you want to, but you definitely don’t have to.  We will then use this information to add your recommendations to the library so more people can enjoy the same books you do!   We would love for you to join in and can’t wait to hear all about what you love to read.  Until next week, Zinnia and Gwendoline

No one understands my pain [Image]. Retrieved from http://funnystack.com/category/funny-2/funny-books/page/4/